Life On The Border

Wouldn't it be lovely to add another upbeat and cheery blog to the world? Don't hold your breath. You'll get what I get: sometimes great, sometimes crap. It's a rollercoaster ride with Sybil at the switch, so hold on to your shorts! If you have questions you want answered in a future post, feel free to ask in the comments section, and I'll do my best to accommodate you. No two days are the same~some days I'm here, some days I'm not, but lemme tell ya, kids, IT'S NEVER DULL!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Like Sands Through The Hourglass......

In the hopes that we would find a way of cohabitating in a more comfortable and orderly fashion, my husband and I presented "the girl" and my son with a list of house rules. Our thinking here was similar to that of training a dog: if you give firm, clear guidelines, everyone is happy, right? Everyone knows exactly how to behave, and what's acceptable. HA!

Wow, did the shit hit the fan. Apparently, giving rules to teenagers does NOT make one popular. Telling them that it's unacceptable to spend hours spooning on each others' beds makes them cranky. And to tell a 19-year-old who has spent four months lounging on your good nature, baking brownies and watching tv, to get a second job so that she can become self-sufficient is absolutely OUTRAGEOUS!!!!! I don't know where my head was!

Of course, this is all my fault. I'm completely out of line. And as such, she has begun to tell him so, spending hours doing her "Moony--Scientology--Demon" spell, spinning tales of my wickedness, and her terrible, terrible fate. Life has dealt her a terrible blow.

Last night was the worst of it: my husband walked into the family room, to find them on the sofa. My son was sitting on the sofa and she had backed onto his lap, and was rubbing back and forth, dry-humping him. Needless to say, my husband is NOT A HAPPY CAMPER. He wanted to toss her out right there, as one of the rules was to keep that shit to a minimum. I figure...the boy is perfectly capable of saying, "get off me", and he might have, but it accidently came out as, "get me off".

At this point, I think she should take pity on the poor bastard and just fuck him already.

The rules were basically: stay out of each others' rooms, stop leaving the kitchen a damned mess, stop making full meals an hour before I make dinner, look for a job on your days off (she works two days a week and lays on her ass the rest of the time; leave him alone while he does his homework (she tries to do it for him, or harasses him while he does it and he really is too polite to say anything; stay out of our business when we're talking to him; let him make his own decisions regarding college; let him do his own time plans for homework, chores, etc on weekends; expect to have chores (him) on weekends; stop UNtraining my damned dogs. That was it. Now are these out of line? I don't freakin' THINK so.

I believe I need to do what one reader/friend of mine said: make it so miserable for her that she can't wait to leave. Who would have believed I'm too nice to do it????


Blogger razorbeck said...

UMMM Bo your son is a long way from being innocent here. if he really minded her doing the things she does, he wiukd say something polite or not. So my guess he quite enjoys the attention especially if it provides the added benefit of enraging the "rents". its him you need to work on not her, atleast him you have a hope, she will continue to do whatever she can get away with. And by get away with i mean get away with from him

2:54 PM  
Blogger Meggy said...

True ... although he hates conflict of ANY sort.

Likes the other stuff though, I'm sure!

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you could contact these people and see if they have a similar program in your area?

6:25 AM  
Blogger Meggy said...

I did check into it, and there are a couple programs here that are similar; thanks for your advice.

She is currently buying up furniture and crap for an apartment, but says she wants to pay off her back student loan and get her transcript so she can get enrolled in school BEFORE she becomes independent; obviously, we have a different set of priorities....

We're definitely living in a "cold war" home right now.


11:37 AM  

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