Life On The Border

Wouldn't it be lovely to add another upbeat and cheery blog to the world? Don't hold your breath. You'll get what I get: sometimes great, sometimes crap. It's a rollercoaster ride with Sybil at the switch, so hold on to your shorts! If you have questions you want answered in a future post, feel free to ask in the comments section, and I'll do my best to accommodate you. No two days are the same~some days I'm here, some days I'm not, but lemme tell ya, kids, IT'S NEVER DULL!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Of 18 Year Olds and Friends

For obvious reasons, mental illness makes it difficult to maintain friendships. Most of the time, I consider myself relatively reasonable, and figure I can at least hold rational conversations and get my side of things through to people in a way that promotes some level of understanding. That said, it doesn't mean the people who I'm communicating with LIKE me. It just means I've managed to get my message across.

The point here is that I have few close friends. And trying to explain to them just how truly ill I am when I've spent years trying to hide it is a near impossibility. Now I'm trying to figure out why I ever bothered to TRY.

What I've discovered this week is that there is a huge prejudice against mental illness in this society. For some reason, people simply can't wrap their minds around the fact that it's not a weakness, or a choice or a damned lifestyle, but rather as much a sickness in my brain as epilepsy or tourette's or a tumour.

It was actually suggested to me this week that the only thing standing between me and mental health is telling God I accept it.

Considering this came from the last of my best friend...whom had just finished telling me that everything I had said and written was not ME, and made no sense, and if I just accepted what she was telling me, everything would be fine, it was a huge slap in the face. The slap to the other cheek was that she had no idea how much of a part God plays in my life~no idea at all. No idea that I have indeed accepted God in my life; that God was a part of my life from the day I was born and that the years I turned my back were an anomaly; that indeed, I consider God the only true hope for some sort of salvation from this horror because heaven knows the drugs and therapy aren't doing their job.

And what a slap in the face to know that I'm considered a step below my best friend on her scale of christianity...yet what does it say about the person who has judged me, and found me lacking, because of a chemical imbalance that a doctor cannot define or stabilize? My last friend is gone.

On top of this, I have an 18-year-old living here to whom we've offered a home out of the goodness of our hearts, who insists on telling me how life is; despite the fact that I live this horror day in, day out, SHE STILL KNOWS MORE THAN I DO. You can't imagine the frustration of fighting the mania and depression, taking and changing meds that don't work, dealing with side effects, and then having the self-righteousness of youthful arrogance telling you it's "just doctors giving you pills to make you come back over and over when they don't work anyway".

Do I sound rational? I am, today.

It's a fleeting thing...sometimes I am and sometimes I'm not. Sometimes my thought processes are realistic and rational and sometimes they're just absolute shit. How do I know that? Because when I rethink them when I'm rational, I recognize they're nuts!

A few days ago, my husband spoke with my therapist and discussed how to have me admitted to a psychiatric hospital, should the mania escalate, or result in another psychotic episode. You know the drill: if I'm a danger to myself, or others, or suicidal, away I go. The upside is that it results in a new addition to my wardrobe: the winter-white jacket with the snazzy back buckles...

I should be relieved. At least I'd get some peace from the racing lunacy of my mind. Unfortunately, it just makes me sad that it's come to this. At a time in my life when things should be perfect, they're heading towards disaster like a 747 in a death roll.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep writing,its good for the soul.
Thanks for sharing

5:58 PM  
Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog.

Mental illness is a chemical imbalance of the brain, nothing more. Just like cancer, and a heart attack, it has a biological basis.

I am a huge supporter of those who suffer from mental illness, a member of NAMI and NARSAD. Keep writing and saying what you need to say, without regard toward how others will react.

I give you the star of the week, and your post was the best I have read all week.

Blessings to you.

6:58 AM  
Blogger The Absent Minded Housewife said...

God? Are you kidding?

As if what you are dealing with can be fixed with a 12 step program.

As for upgrades to your want the D cup bras that I only wore for a couple months? They sure were sturdy!

8:39 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

You are right that society does not understand. Even the medical professionals I work with do not understand. They think you can take lithum and it is all better. How I wish it was that easy. Sigh.

What a great, thought provoking post. Keep up the great writing.

8:16 AM  
Blogger Meggy said...

Thank you for your helps to know people are reading.


1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"My last friend is gone."

... don't bet on it ...

... ;-) ...

8:38 AM  
Blogger Meggy said...

...when I posted that, I was speaking of my RL friends from my old life in that 'other' city; and you know, in retrospect, I never considered how a comment like that would impact YOU. There's no question that you've made the transition from internet to RL, and have offered no-bullshit support when I needed it most...

Keep in mind, please...

I'm not always at my healthiest when I'm posting. You know I love you.

You are, and always will be, my dearest friend. That's why I asked if you'd wait for me~losing you would be devastating.

And while I'm at it, there's one other friend who's not just "an internet friend" who's also given me more time, support and knowledge than I ever deserved. Selfless and giving~she also deserves recognition that I can't really give. I thank her too.


10:19 AM  

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