Life On The Border

Wouldn't it be lovely to add another upbeat and cheery blog to the world? Don't hold your breath. You'll get what I get: sometimes great, sometimes crap. It's a rollercoaster ride with Sybil at the switch, so hold on to your shorts! If you have questions you want answered in a future post, feel free to ask in the comments section, and I'll do my best to accommodate you. No two days are the same~some days I'm here, some days I'm not, but lemme tell ya, kids, IT'S NEVER DULL!

Thursday, August 03, 2006


As days and months go by, each of my posts is met with a rare couple of comments from dedicated readers. I know each time who they'll be, and I go back time and time again to see if those few have been by to check it out and give me their opinions or advice.

It's becoming increasingly difficult for me to wait.

For the most part, it goes back to why it is we
DO this goofy blog thing. Who's it for? There are so many tens of thousands out there, and who do I think I am that others will want to read mine? What makes me think anyone will find mine any more interesting than the other 85 thousand and want to read it? I'll tell you what. Absolutely nothing.

So what's the point? I read others. I read Absentminded Housewife, Dooce, Hundred Reasons Why I Hate My Husband, File To Fit, Paint To Match, Razors Back,, sometimes Horsetail Snake and Mindless Dribbler. Occasionally I jump to other blogs through links and come back again. Three of those occasionally read mine. Two of them are commentors.

I GET something out of the others. Two of the blogs I read,, and Dooce are self-sufficient blogs. They actually pay for themselves, and are on their own servers. One of them, Waiter, has been offered a book deal. I'm not surprised. Dooce has been offered a regular spot on another blog. Again, not surprised. These people are GOOD.

I'm missing something.

There's a friend I talk to regularly in a different forum who tells me all the time that I'm a writer. I argue, she tells me again. My final argument, and the one she can't really dispute, is that it's simply too hard! My mother was a writer and I know just how much effort goes into it. So forget it, I am NOT a writer. She laughs. She sees a different side of me. But you know, if I truly WAS a writer, I'd have more than three or four people reading a blog that's been on the internet for nine months. For all she says, for all she might like reading what I put on HER site, she hasn't been able to pinpoint why it is there are only three or four readers who have come back here with any regularity to discover what havoc the LRHM has wreaked today, or how BPD or bipolar disorder has affected my family or day-to-day life this week.

Does it matter? Or maybe they're just bored. It's not funny anymore.

I guess it comes down to why I write, or for whom. It started out being an exercise for ME, and ended up being a test, of sorts. After watching others thrive, my competitive nature took over and I decided that I, too, must take off! Alas, it hasn't happened. Now, as is a natural part of my personality, I'd rather quit than keep seeing the 0 in the comments column that I equate to Failure.

All part and parcel of the Borderline personality that tells me I'm not good enough; that simply doing something for me will never be enough, because if it doesn't get validation from someone else, it doesn't
MEAN anything. That's how I live my life, and the way my brain functions. Regular thought processes don't count. Average isn't a part of me. It's got to be the best or it's garbage. My shoes, my clothing, my writing, the way I treat my husband, the way I talk to my therapist, how I raise my kids, even the number of games I win on the internet. Living life this way gets tiring. And expensive. I have the shoes and purses to prove it. There's never been a sale I didn't like. Hey! there's a great name for a blog ...


Blogger The Absent Minded Housewife said...

Know that I read every post...and I ponder it as well. I enjoy them. I just don't always have anything to say about some of them!

Sometimes your thoughts are so complete that I really have nothing of substance to add. I don't want to add fluff for fluff's sake.

I understand competitiveness...or have you not played Literati with me?

Check out Justin's blog today...and the interview (there is a link) that prompted his open letter. I think you'll find it very interesting.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Christine said...

Totally get where you are coming from. My "blog" started out with my bitching and moaning and has evolved into the satire it has become. Why? Because like any other creative person, I found my nitch and with that nitch came the attention of not only readers but publishers and possibly the networks. If you want your blog to be about venting about your own personal life, that is what it will be. If you are looking for it to go mainstream so you can strut your stuff creatively, you will need to not only write for you but write for "them". The choice is yours. Either way, I will continue to read.

7:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guilty. I'm guilty of being one of those stealth readers. I read the blogs, I identify with the feelings and sentiments, and I almost never comment.

I get something from your writing, but most of the time, I don't feel like I have anything worthwhile to add.

But I was wrong.

I can add my support. I can let you know that I understand, in my own way, a lot of the feelings you're having. I can let you know that I agree with what you're saying. I can let you know you're NOT alone.

I hope you don't stop writing.

You're not so secret admirer.

11:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I know what you mean. I started my blog to capture my thoughts/moods/actions to tell my doctor and myself about upcoming episodes - like a journal. That was it. Then I joined a bipolar ring and comments started coming and I thought it was strange, but I try to write for myself, and not anyone else. That's why I started my blog to begin with, right?

I think many people who are bipolar are perfectionists, or at least, a therapist once told me so. They have an "all or nothing" mentality. I know I do. When I do something, it's to an obsession, and when I don't, I don't even lift a finger or waste a brain cell on it. It sounds like you might be the same way too?

I do comment on blogs, but some blogs, like yours, I just find that I never have anything useful to say? I enjoy your posts, feel horrible with you, or mad, or sad, or happy, and I see now that I should show support as well.

4:03 PM  
Blogger Meggy said...

Wow, Kansas, I didn't even know you read mine...thanks.

Yes, I'm an "all or nothing" person; it's the borderline in me as well, probably more than the bipolar disorder. Tonight we went and saw the movie "Talladega Nights", and they have a saying, "If you're not first, you're last". Man, that could be my mantra. And that's not how it SHOULD be, that's just how it happens to be for ME. Everything in my life is a competition. I discovered tonight out of the clear blue that I'm still competing with my husband's ex-wife. I'm not sure where it even came from.

Boy, I still have work to do.


10:41 PM  
Blogger ~ J ~ said...

I am like a few others here. I read..and re-read. Sometimes I feel that your emotions are so well laid out that my commenting will only disrespect them. I love to read what you have to say....and I see a lot of myself in your posts at times. I had asked you questions in the beginning because I had friend who was in trouble with Bi-polar. She got treatment....lots of it....and still has chosen to self medicate with drugs and drinking. In turn tho it has made me look inward...and I have learned from you.

Thank you for your blog!

ps...I read all the same blogs you do....we are in the same small blog world! :)

11:12 AM  
Blogger Meggy said...

I'm very happy to hear I've helped someone...that's the whole reason I started the blog; it sort of got off track with the coming of the LRHM. I'm glad to see there's some good coming from it!

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! 1986 dodge aries

6:33 AM  

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