Life On The Border

Wouldn't it be lovely to add another upbeat and cheery blog to the world? Don't hold your breath. You'll get what I get: sometimes great, sometimes crap. It's a rollercoaster ride with Sybil at the switch, so hold on to your shorts! If you have questions you want answered in a future post, feel free to ask in the comments section, and I'll do my best to accommodate you. No two days are the same~some days I'm here, some days I'm not, but lemme tell ya, kids, IT'S NEVER DULL!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone??

So I didn't do so well coming back with a perky post yesterday; I got busy organizing Christmas decorations into different rubbermaid tubs, according to room and "tree". Next year it should be MUCH easier! But that's not what this is about. And yes, it's late. Leave me alone.

I've given birth to an 18-year-old girl. She is the same one I wrote about in my second post and her life has gone to hell in a hand basket over the past few months and she has no where to live. Her parents have disowned her-and me, being me, couldn't bear the idea of her being out on the street. I let it go down to the last week...7 days...of her trying to find somewhere else to go, but...I think I always knew it was going to end up like this.

She couldn't stand being so far away from her family; she hated the state and the school she was in. She was miserable. She couldn't stay. She NEEDED to come home and be with her family, who is in crisis. Except her family is the root of the problems: an alcoholic, drug-addicted, abusing dickhead, a live-in psychotic witch of a step-monster and a passal of kids....all struggling to make it appear as if this is a normally functioning family.

This is not a normally functioning family. That became abundantly clear the night he decided my ever-so-passive 17-old-son was some sort of threat to his family, and in a drunken rage, decided to kill him...and raced out into the street screaming that he was going to beat him to death. The 18-year-old-girl yelled for my son to get in the car so she could get them away...and after the father beat the hell out of the car, they did. Long story short, the cops were called, believed the father over the kids AND us (we were sober, THEY were not...figure that out)...and the girl, the very next day, was on her way to college. And the family fell apart, the parents split up amid accusations of abuse and the other kids were more or less farmed out to people who would get them to school on time. And the 18 YO....well, she worked hard, finished an entire freshman year in one semester, did it with all A's and one B, and said, "I MUST come back and fix my family". Poor misguided thing.

But her family will have nothing to do with her. She's been disowned. Her father has told her he will have nothing to do with her and she may not contact her sister or brothers. She has no home. She had no where to go and I couldn't let her live in the she's with me. She sees her grandmother and cousins occasionally, but for now she's with me. And yes, she's still dating my son and yes, it's driving me nuts because she treats him as if they're married and she's nagging the hell out of him and SOMEONE PLEASE SHOOT ME.

And what has this got to do with the dog?

She's ruining my dog. For 16 hours a day, she talks baby talk to my dog. There's no discipline, and it's constant. You cannot believe it. Do you know how much an 18 YO girl can talk? A LOT. She does it NON STOP. Babytalk...and just his name....over and over and over....

"I wuv you...I wuv you.....Bwuno....Bwuno...(then higher pitched)....BWWUNOOO..." and it goes on all day.

Later on, as he's jumping on her, she comments that he's much better behaved when WE'RE around and she can't figure that out as SHE tells him to get down when he's jumping all over HER!

Well, yes, but it consists of, "Get DOWN, Bwuno, you can't jump on me, that's a NO for you, now stay down and don't get my shirt dirty".

Shall we discuss how much of that, in the babykins voice, "Bwuno" really understood? He understood, "The Nice Girl is talking to me again!"

She's also taught him to "shake hands". Ok, he doesn't really shake hands, he just paws at you while you pet him. Now lets discuss if this pleases anyone else in the family besides HER. NO! NO NO NO! My husband keeps threatening to tie soup cans to his ankles.....

She needs a job and she's smart as a whip. Anyone have any openings??? Anyone? ANYTHING???


Blogger The Absent Minded Housewife said...

God, you are much nicer than I am. I don't think I'd house my son's girlfriends, ever. How long does she have to get a job? Have you driven her to planned parenthood so you can witness her getting her depo shot yet?

Move her out to Bendover. There's work. She can't live with me though. I'm full to the rafters.

10:34 AM  

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