Life On The Border

Wouldn't it be lovely to add another upbeat and cheery blog to the world? Don't hold your breath. You'll get what I get: sometimes great, sometimes crap. It's a rollercoaster ride with Sybil at the switch, so hold on to your shorts! If you have questions you want answered in a future post, feel free to ask in the comments section, and I'll do my best to accommodate you. No two days are the same~some days I'm here, some days I'm not, but lemme tell ya, kids, IT'S NEVER DULL!

Friday, March 09, 2007

The Return of the LRHG

For those of you who are new, the LRHG has more or less been out of my life for the past two months; LRHG means, "Little Red-Headed Girl", and she's my son's tramp.

In a brief recap, when she became homeless because her parents disowned her, I ever-so-foolishly gave her a place to stay. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA at me. Can you say "gullible" folks? It was supposed to be for a few days, maybe a few weeks, while she got life sorted and a place of her own. Well, that turned into eight months of her laying on my sofa doing absolutely nothing and turning my spare bedroom into a den of sour-smelling catastrophe. She refused any and all rules (there were only ten for shit's sake), and flaunted most in our face, including the one about not crawling on our son in front of us (oh hell, I'm going to lose my lunch).

Now most of you are saying right this second, "you should have thrown her out!" but it was never as clear cut for me because each time this threat came up, my son would come to me and beg, "just this much longer, please, mom ... or explain why she was doing what she was doing. He's basically a good kid, and after talking to him, he did try to keep most of the rules, and would gently push her to the side to a certain degree, but I think deep down inside he's rather afraid of her reaction if he actually rejects her advances (if you think *I've* got BPD, you should see her). Anyway, the long and the short of it is that she makes our house so miserable for us that my husband and I mostly spend our time in our room when she appears, or we disappear.

Well, she stopped coming around a couple months ago. My son is in college now, and he stopped coming home on weekends and started partying rather than being here with her all the time. Oh the excitement of it all! I knew he was probably drinking and getting into all manner of trouble, and I didn't even CARE! It was all so much better than being hen-pecked by HER! He was allowed to go out! He could party! He could talk to other people! He could (gasp) STAY AS LATE AS HE WANTED!!!!!!! ?How exciting is this? Well, for us this is exciting after watching two years of their dating that was pretty much just lying on sofa (her on top of him), licking at him.

And he was happy.

Two weeks ago, it all changed. He came home, and she came with him. While she doesn't sleep here, it's back to sucking on his face, hanging on his neck, lying on top of him and licking his face while we try desperately, desperately to avert our eyes, to the point of neck injury. The boy waits on her hand and foot while she wraps up in blankets because she NEVER WEARS ENOUGH CLOTHES and we keep our house at a normal 72 degrees. And I do mean waits on her. "Get me a drink", "get me dinner", "get me a snack", and he's up and down like a Mexican jumping bean. Does she not know that sometimes, the WOMAN can get things, too? You'd think she'd learn from watching me.

But then, this is a girl who last week:

Laid on top of him, on her back, with her knees apart, wearing a pair of baggy shorts. All my poor husband had to do was turn his head to get a stellar shot of her coochy. We left the room. After all, at that point, what the HELL was the point in pretending we wanted dinner?
And why don't I tell them? Well as soon as he comes home again, I will, but there isn't much point: he's afraid to tell her, because she freaks out, and if I do, she waits til they're in private and complains for up to two hours at a time that I hate her, I'm trying to break them up and that I'm a bitch for doing it. . His head hangs and he has no balls. I recognize this. Although in his defense, the longer he stays away, the more we see bits and pieces here and there. Heh. Bits and pieces of balls. How appropriate.

Mostly, she doesn't speak to us, and we don't speak to her. When she does, she's rude and insolent. So we just don't talk to her, even to greet her. There's no point in pretending. If she needs something, she'll often ask me through my son. I answer honestly because ... I'm a suck.

Now, my son is coming home again after spending a couple months staying at college. I'm wondering if they had some kind of falling out and have finally fixed it. Damned shame. We enjoyed not having her here, and having our home back to call our own. At some point we're going to have to develop our own set of gonads and put our collective foot down, as I don't know how much more DNA our living room furniture can stand (oh yes, that's after we go to sleep at night). Aside from that, the boy isn't helping at all around the house and that's irritating the shit out of me, too. SHE taught him that since he's past 18, he doesn't have to help anymore. So they come in, cook, leave a mess in the kitchen/family room, and leave. That's stopping this weekend if he comes home. Unfortunately, I was in bed this past weekend before I noticed that he'd done that little stunt.

I'm not paying for this wedding when it happens (and it will). And as soon as the engagement is announced, we'll also stop co-signing his student loans, cut off his cell phone, quit paying his car insurance and registration. I don't care if he's still in school. Being an adult is a bitch, isn't it, boy?

Yes, this is my fault. I allowed it to develop to where it is, but have decided as of now to start taking steps to fix it (we shall see: I'm all talk).

What does he see in her? She's hornier than a seven-peckered billy-goat and smart as a whip.

So now you're up to speed. If you want to hear what she's really like, go back and read some previous posts, particularly my very first post. I think it emphasizes my frustration quite well.


Blogger The Absent Minded Housewife said...

I thought about this the other day...and here it is...

You know, adults get married. Adults pay their own bills. You can't have your bills paid by mom and dad and have a spouse too. It just doesn't work like that.

The response to the new blogger? It wasn't just unique to you...

9:46 AM  
Blogger Meggy said...

Ah, thank you. Glad it wasn't just me.

10:56 AM  

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